Wednesday 23 May 2012

New Blog Style

Thanks to Kevin Cannon (twitter, blog) I have finally replaced the embarrassingly bad blog banner that was there for way too long. I have simplified the look and removed necessary clutter. There are still few things that I want to make happen and change but this is good for now.

Some of you might have noticed that I've also removed the word "design" from the blog title. As it never was in the domain name I feel that it has been a source for confusion. I think that it is pretty apparent that "patterns" refer to "design pattern".

Thanks again Kevin!


  1. Is it just me but blog is broken in Chrome?

    1. Could you please specify what's broken? I'm using chrome and it works for me. If there's a problem I'd like to fix it ASAP.

    2. I got it. I'm using G Disconnect and while blocks +1 button kills your site too! :(

  2. Now it looks like logo is missing :p, there should be at least some solid (non-gray) fill with stripes.

  3. Hello,

    Thank for publishing this blog specially for Android. It is helping me lot.

    Actually I like old style It was simple & easy to find things. I am not opposing new style but I will be thankful if you can add new tabs with old style content.

    Thank You,
    Ketan Parmar
