Tuesday 20 March 2012

Elsewhere in the Web, Design Articles

I'm happy to see so many good Android articles popping up everywhere in the web. I've gathered here few I've found particularity good recently. Worth reading!

Kirill Grouchnikov continues his series of articles about Android responsive design. This one titled "Responsive mobile design on Android: from view pager to action bar tabs" talks about implementation of tabs vs. view pager in the lates Google Play client.
Read the article here.

Mark Allison over at Styling Android has written yet another great tutorial series about Android. This time it is about Android background tasks, a very important topic when it comes to good user interfaces!
Start reading the series from here.

Gigbeat is getting a UI refresh soon. They have also written a series of posts about the design process and design decisions to their blog. While more posts are promised to appear soon the first three posts are already available: 
GigBeat Design Decision 3: Tablet UI
GigBeat Design Decision 4: Empty Screens

The developers behind Travelzoo app also have written some thoughts about their design process. Unfortunately, the app itself is not available in my location so I cannot say much about the app. The post is interesting read anyways. 
Read the article here.

1 comment:

  1. Great job.

    Mark Allison is also doing great at Styling Android blog.
